Line Setup Last updated 2023/11/07


This screen MES (Physical lines can be created) keeping a mapping to AOMTOPS line for maintaining the relationship.

A line in MES doesn’t visualize the tables or seats in the line. For physical orientation, we need to draw tables and seats under the line using the drawing tools provided.

To view data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose the Factory which need to add line.
  2. Press ADD LINE button to start add line.
  3. Choose line at AOMTOPs Line to add line.
  4. Input Amtop line, Actual Line, Workers, Check-in iOT MAC, department, factory, HR Line, etc.
  5. Can choose color at Background Color.
  6. Press CREATE button to create line.
  7. Can see the data which just created.        






To update data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose the Factory which need to update line
  2. Choose a line at Lines to update it
  3. Press UPDATE LINE button to start update line
  4. Choose line at AOMTOPs Line to update line
  5. Can update at Amtop line, Actual Line, Workers, Check –in IoT MAC, department, factory, HR Line, ect.
  6. Can update color again at Background Color
  7. Press UPDATE button to update line.






To create data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose the Factory which need to create table
  2. Choose a line at Lines to create table
  3. Press CREATE TABLE button to start create table
  4. Can choose seat type for suitable
  5. Can change number in Seat Total, Width, Length.
  6. Can change number in Set Distance, Display Width, Display Length
  7. Press CREATE button to create table
  8. Can see the table which created.
  9. Press SAVE CHANGES to save the data.





To delete data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose a table to delete
  2. Press DELETE TABLE button delete it
  3. Press Yes button to make sure user want to delete it
  4. Press Save to save data     






To add data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose a table to add seat
  2. Press ADD SEAT button
  3. Can see the table increase the seat
  4. Press Save to save data     





To remove data, user fill some criteria as:

  1. Choose a table to remove seat
  2. Press REMOVE SEAT button
  3. Can see the table change the seat
  4. Press Save to save data