Tools Linking Last updated 2018/06/21

Wellcom to Tools linking!

As the same Bomt and Pattern Link click on the tab: Tools Linking

1. How can link?
- Before linking click on button Edit.
- On the popup Tools check tools you want to link ( You can select multiple)
- Select one main tools.


- After select drang it to your Operation plan you want to link.
- Click button Save to complete your worked.

2. How can change main Tools

- On the Operation plan select Tools

- Check on radio button of the Tool you want to set at main Tool.

- The system will diplay confirm message: "Do you want change main Tool?".

- Click buttot Yes the Main Tool will change

- Click button Save to complete your worked.

3. How can remove Tools has been linked

- On Operation plan select Tools 
+ If you want to remove single Tools  you can click icon "X" the Tools will remove
+ If you want to remove all Tools can click icon "X" on the header of Tools like image below

(1) Remove all Tools 
(2) Remove single Tool
- Click button Save to complete your worked..